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Historic re-survey

The City of Minneapolis has been conducting historic re-surveys of properties throughout the city over the last decade. These re-surveys build upon the original surveys of properties that were done in the 1970s. In the spring & summer of 2011, the Como neighborhood will be included in the last round of re-surveys. We're part of the Central Core group that also includes St. Anthony West, Marcy Holmes, Sumner Glenwood, Bryn Mawr, Harrison, Near North and Prospect Park. The City has hired consultants at Mead & Hunt, Inc. to conduct the 2011 re-surveys.

Historic re-survey

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (4:30 p.m.)
Presentation of final Central Core historic re-survey report
Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (agenda; staff memo)
Room 317, City Hall, 350 S. 5th Street
--> 4 of 63 properties in the Central Core survey area are in Como and recommended for further survey and research

End of July 2011
Expected final survey report & recommendations
--> NOTE, we've been told to expect the report to be made public in mid-to-late August. Please check back for report findings (we will post them as soon as they're made available). UPDATE: as of mid-September 2011, still no report. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 21, 2011 (6:30 - 8 p.m.)
2nd mtg about Central Core historic re-survey
Van Cleve Park Recreation Center, 901 15th Ave SE

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Deadline for historic resources survey submissions
* be sure to include addresses if at all possible
--> NOTE, the online survey option has since been removed.

Thursday, February 17, 2011 (6 – 8 p.m.)
Central Core Historic Resources Survey mtg
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1 Lourdes Place, Minneapolis

FFI: Heritage Preservation Commission's Current Preservation Projects

Brian.Schaffer AT ci.minneapolis.mn.us (CPED)
Bob.Frame AT meadhunt.com (senior historian)
Heather.Goodson AT meadhunt.com (project manager)


2011: CPED-Planning is conducting a historic resource survey in following neighborhoods: St. Anthony West, Marcy Holmes, Como, Downtown West, Downtown East, Sumner Glenwood, and portions of Bryn Mawr, Harrison, Near North, North Loop, and Prospect Park neighborhoods to assess the potential for historic properties.
This project is called the Central Core Historic Resources Survey. The City was first surveyed for historic resources in the 1970s and many of today’s designated landmarks and historic districts are a result of the original survey.

Since 2001, CPED has conducted a re-survey of historic resources in Minneapolis that has been funded by grants from the Minnesota Historical Society and matched by City dollars. The City has undertaken the re-survey because the aging of properties, changing attitudes about which types of historic resources need to be identified, e.g. historic landscapes, cultural and ethnic group resources. The survey will help achieve the City’s goal of documenting historic resources throughout the entire city over a ten-year period, which is scheduled for completion in 2011.
The purpose of the survey is to:
· Identify unknown historic properties;
· Recommend properties for further study;
· Make informed decisions about the significance and protection of historic resources;
· Develop goals and strategies for preservation as well as neighborhood planning.
The first public meetings on this project will be held in mid-February. The purpose of these first meetings is to introduce the survey project and offer an opportunity for the community to provide information and ideas about historic resources within the survey area.
More information can be found online at: www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/hpc/; the re-survey information can be found on their Current Preservation Projects page
