Here are names and descriptions of most of the additions platted in the Como neighborhood. We hope to eventually add individual maps of each of the additions too.
From East to West, north of Como Avenue SE and south of Division Street (now e. Hennepin Ave.), including Talmage Ave SE - Elwell's Addition, 8 blocks (14th - 18th Aves SE; from Division Street south to Como Ave SE)
- Elwell's 2nd Addition, 8 of the 10 blocks in the addition are on this plate (10th - 14th Aves SE; from Division Street south to Como Ave SE) except -
- Bovey & De Laittre's Re-ar of Blk 6 in Elwell's 2nd Addition
From East to West, south of Como Avenue SE and north of Elm Street SE, including Brook and Rollins Aves SE - C.H. House's Addition
- Boarman & Crombies Subdivision
- Rollin's 2nd Addition (15th - 17th Aves SE; from Como Ave SE south to Brook Ave SE)
- Mc Millan's Subdivision (15th - 18th Aves SE; from Brook Ave SE south to Elm Street) except -
- Rollins Addition, Block 8 -- C.St.P.M&O.R.R. Yards (15th - 17th Aves SE; from Rollins Ave SE south to the railroad tracks)
- Weaver's Subdivision (14th - 15th Aves SE; from Rollins Ave SE south to the railroad tracks)
- Ewell's 3rd Addition (12th - 14th Aves SE; from Como Ave SE south to the railroad tracks)
- Neill & Pratt's Addition (10th - 12th Aves SE; from Como Ave SE south to the railroad tracks)
From a 1903 map of the N 1/2 of Sec. 24 & N 1/2 of S 1/ 2 of Sec. 24, T. 29, R. 24 (Plate 32) This section covers the western 1/3 of the Como neighborhood.
From East to West, north of Como Avenue SE and south of Division Street (now E. Hennepin Ave.), including Talmage Ave SE - Hallowell's Addition, 4 blocks (27th - 29th Aves SE)
- Glencar Addition, 12 blocks (21st - 27th Aves SE) except -
- Clow's Re-art Block 11 (25th - 26th Aves SE between Como & Talmage Avenue SE)
- Glencar includes the Pitcher Manufacturing Company in block 13 at 22nd & Como Aves SE
- Elwell & Higgins Addition, 4 blocks (19th - 21st Aves SE)
- Way's Addition, 2 blocks (18th - 19th Aves SE)
- this addition includes Tuttle School
From East to West, south of Como Avenue SE and north of Elm Street SE, including Fairmount Street - Crex Carpet Company (plot from Elm St to Como Ave SE at the eastern edge of the Minneapolis border)
- Cole & Week's Addition, 20 blocks (21st - 29th Aves SE) except -
- Susan L. Weeks Reart Blk 16 Cole & Weeks Addition (22nd - 23rd Aves SE at the south end of the block nearest Elm St SE)
- Alexander's Addition, 2 blocks (alley between 19th/20th Ave SE to 21st Ave SE; from Fairmount to Como Ave SE) except -
- Re-arrangement of lots in A Alexander's Addition (20th - 21st Aves SE at the north end of the block nearest Como Ave SE)
- Elm Street Addition, 3 blocks (18th - 21st Aves SE between Elm St and Fairmount)
- Gillette Brothers Addition, 2 blocks (18th Ave SE to alley between 19th/20th Ave SE; from Fairmount to Como Ave SE)
From a 1914 Real Estate Map of the N 1/2 of Sec. 19 & N 1/2 of S 1/2 of Sec. 19, T. 29, R. 23 (Plate 61) This section covers the eastern 2/3 of the Como neighborhood.