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The Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) was the primary source of funding for the neighborhoods in Minneapolis from the early 1990's to the late 2000's. This funding stream was created by the Minnesota legislature with the use of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district in downtown Minneapolis. NRP was divided into two phases.

  • SECIA's NRP phase 1 plan was approved in January 2000
  • SECIA's NRP phase 1 review, downloadable in 3 sections (2005)
    • the first section includes a timeline of highlights from 1996 - 2005
  • SECIA's NRP phase 2 plan, 36 pages (2006)
  • SECIA's NRP phase 2 plan was approved in November 2006

As of 2011, we are spending the end of our contracted NRP phase 2 funds ($122,000 of our uncontracted NRP phase 2 funds were frozen by the City Council in December 2010).

You can go to www.nrp.org to learn more about NRP and how different neighborhoods used the funding to meet their needs and priorities.