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4 Como properties recommended for further study & research

posted Oct 26, 2011, 7:25 AM by Unknown user [ updated Nov 3, 2011, 10:37 AM ]
Page 103 of the the CIty of Minneapolis' 2011 historic re-survey report includes the 63 properties found in the Central Core Survey Area (including Como) that are recommended for further survey and research. Two residential and two industrial properties in Como are included on that list.

53) Blanche La Du house at 1075 14th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3392)
58) General Mills Laboratories at 2010 E. Hennepin Avenue (HE-MPC-3360)
59) Woolery Machine (Manufacturing) Company at 2115 Como Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3357)
60) August Nimmer house (Mayor Hubert H. Humphrey residence) at 890 19th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3367)

A quick survey of the list shows 18 properties identified in Marcy-Holmes, 3 in Prospect Park (though most of Prospect Park wasn't included in this survey), 3 in Northeast Minneapolis, a few in North Minneapolis, and the bulk in Downtown Minneapolis.

Como history group tour June 2003

Unknown user,
Nov 3, 2011, 10:21 AM