Como press from 1877- 1921 |
1877- 1921
1919 - The Van Cleve Park Grocery
The Van Cleve Park Grocery Gust Anderson, Prop. 990 15th Avenue S. E. Minneapolis Labor Review, September 1, 1919 excerpt - At this address is located a new store, conducted by Mr. Gust. Anderson, and dealing in all kind of fine groceries, on the Cash and Carry plan. Mr. Anderson has lived in this community for eleven years past, and prior to moving into his present location he was situated at 1512-14 Como avenue. . . . |
1907 - Situation in sheet metal strike
Situation in sheet metal strike Minneapolis Labor Review, July 11, 1907 excerpts - The situation in the strike of the Sheet Metal Workers is better this week than it has been at any time since the controversy was precipitate. . . . . . . The men were returned to work on the Columbus School whence they were called off a month ago, because of the employment of non-union men. . . . |
1908 - Rare real estate opportunity ad
ad in the Minneapolis Labor Review August 20, 1908 RARE REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY We have a complete list of vacant property of the late Albert Johnson estate. This valuable property is now owned by Mrs. Edna D. Kruse. Mr. S. Kruse has assumed personal management and has placed the same upon the market at reasonable prices and advantageous terms. The property is located as follows: TWENTY LOTS IN ELWELL'S ADDITIONS, SOUTHEAST We will build you a home on any of these lots on easy terms or monthly payments. Money to Loan on Real Estate Security, Specialty of Furnishing Lots, Building Material and Loans. WM. STEVENS, 419 Fourteenth Avenue S. E. TRI-STATE PHONE 16455 N. W. PHONE EAST 323-J |
1917 - The Elwell Dairy Farm, Inc. ad
ad in the Minneapolis Labor Review June 22, 1917 The Elwell Dairy Farm, Inc. MILK, CREAM, BUTTER and EGGS Phone and Our Wagon Will Call 2608 Bloomington Avenue South Drexel 2868 T. S. 53868 Broadway and Taft Sts., N.E. East 2344 T. S. 41043 Union Drivers |
1910 - Senator J.T. Elwell decides to run for re-election
Senator J.T. Elwell decides to run for re-election Urged by hundreds of constituents well known East Side man gets into political game Letters sent to thousands of voters Minneapolis Labor Review, August 18, 1910 (with photo) excerpt - . . . The undersigned desire to see Senator Elwell renominated and re-elected because they believe that the highest good of the district and the state call for his return to the senate at this time. Very truly yours, CYRUS NORTHROP, 519 10th av. S.E. AARON CARLON, 15th av. N.E. & Central W.F. WEBSTER, 1025 5th st. S.E. JOHN E. MOONEY, 1004 15th av. S.E. GEO. S. JONES, 959 24th av. N.E. |
1900 - A transit rate mix
A transit rate mix M & St. L. Road makes a discovery at New Prague Minneapolis Journal, May 1, 1900 excerpt - . . . The settlement was for the overbilling of weights on cars of wheat shipped at Minneapolis by the Midway Elevator company, to New Prague. The Journal has investigated the case and finds the facts to be as follows: The Midway Elevator company . . . |
1897 - Smothered in bran
Smothered in bran A peculiar fatality occurs at the Midway Elevator Minneapolis Journal, March 20, 1897 excerpt - Emil Lund, 20 years old, employed on the Midway elevator on Thirteenth avenue SE, and residing at 1027 Twentieth avenue SE, while working in a huge bran pit yesterday afternoon, was covered by bran and suffocated before aid could come . . . |
1900 - Firemen were busy
Firemen were busy Two serious fires were going at one time Minneapolis Journal, June 29, 1900 excerpt - . . . For a time it looked as though the entire factory would go, but the heroic work of the fire department saved it. The loss was estimated at $15,000 by C.M. Way, the owner, and is covered by insurance for the same amount. The total value of the stock in the warehouse was $20,000. . . . |
1900 - Six weeks skating
Six weeks skating Rinks will be maintained in four city parks Minneapolis Journal, October 16, 1900 excerpt - . . . Superintendent Berry will be directed to get the rinks ready in the following parks: Loring, Powderhorn, Van Cleve and Minnehaha creek at Minnehaha park. . . . |
1895 - Park skating rinks
Park skating rinks The winter sport committee favors the maintenance of six Minneapolis Journal, October 30, 1895 |
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