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Home Tour homes

Several Como homes have been on the Minneapolis - St. Paul Home Tour over the years.

In 2007, a home on 14th Ave SE was included in the tour

Here's the description: "This work in progress -- presented as an empty canvas -- is a second story addition with bath and two "master" bedrooms flowing into a central workspace. Removing the roof and using prefabricated trusses gained space that was "cheaper" than working within the existing attic -- doubling the square footage. Lacking a staircase was a solution waiting to happen and helped create cross-ventilation, natural light and flexibility -- contrasting the cozy bungalow below. The solar heated water system (along with great insulation) should help offset any added heating costs. I'm a lifelong resident in this neighborhood and appreciate its strong environmental focus and location in the heart of the metro -- minutes away from everything." Sponsored by State Energy Information Office, Minnesota Department of Commerce and Center for Energy & Environment.

In 2009, a 16th Ave SE home being renovated by the University District Alliance was featured

This home "is midway through its renovation (with gutted kitchen), and will have architectural drawings of the improvement options for the house, including a number of energy-saving options. It is for sale." This home and the tour were also featured in a University of Minnesota News article by Adam Overland.

The tour was first organized in 1988 and is held annually on the last weekend of April. It is free to attend.
For further information about a current or upcoming tour: go to the Minneapolis - St. Paul Home Tour website