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"Alderman halts new construction in campus area" (1961)

posted May 18, 2011, 1:43 PM by Unknown user [ updated May 18, 2011, 2:58 PM ]

By Maurice Hobbs, The Minnesota Daily (October 4, 1961)

excerpt -

"New construction was cut off in much of Southeast Minneapolis Friday by a CIty Council hold order. Requested by second ward Alderman Robert MacGregor, the order forbids extensive new construction for 60 days in an area bounded by E. Hennepin Ave., the Mississippi River and the city limits.

MacGregor said yesterday only "controversial permits" would be curtailed by the order, which directs the city building inspector not to issue any permit in the area without Council permission. The Council is "trying to foster good planning around the University community," he explained. He said that since a new zoning ordinance is pending, some builders may try to take advantage of the one, passed in 1924, that is still in effect.

The hold order covers buildings such as apartments and additional units for old houses. . . .
