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The Central Core historic re-survey has been completed!

posted Aug 5, 2011, 8:36 AM by Unknown user [ updated Oct 12, 2011, 10:56 AM ]
OCTOBER 12, 2011 UPDATE: Brian Schaffer is on the 10/25/11 agenda of the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission for the 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory: Camden Area, Central Core, and Windom, Kenny & Armatage. Presentation of consultant’s final recommendations in the recently completed 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory prepared by Mead and Hunt, Inc. The commission meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 317 of City Hall, 350 S. 5th Street. The Historic Resources Inventory is item number three on the agenda.

August 2011: We've received word that the historic re-survey for the part of Minneapolis including the Como neighborhood has been completed on time. As soon as we receive access to the report results, we'll share them here. Stay tuned!
