General research sources:
Reports:- "The Alliance: A University District Partnership" (2008)
- "Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for the University District Minneapolis, Minnesota" (February 2011) by Maxfield Research Inc.
- 173 page report commissioned by the University District Alliance
- includes analyses of demographics, housing characteristics, for-sale market, rental market, senior housing, housing needs, and alumni survey
- "Cooperative Student Family Living: A History and Census of the Como Student Community" (1987) by Philip Wagner, CURA
- we have a reference copy of this report in the SECIA office since this one isn't available online
- "The Impact of Welfare Reform on Southeast Minneapolis Neighborhoods" (1998) by Joel Spoonheim, NPCR Graduate Research Assistant
- "Industrial Land Use and Environmental Impacts" (2010) by Peter Truax, Neighborhood Partnerships for Community Research (NPCR)
- many maps demonstrating pollution sources in Northeast & Southeast Minneapolis
- "Minneapolis Community Gardens: A study of public policies in Minneapolis and Hennepin County" (2008) by Erin Foster West, NPCR
- SECIA gardens featured on page 13
- "Minnesota 3-D Analysis: University Rental Housing Study" (2006) by Jeff Matson, CURA
- includes data that 224 University of Minnesota employees live in the Como neighborhood
- "Reconnecting the Urban Landscape" (2009) by Adam Maleitzke, Neighborhood Partnerships for Community Research (NPCR)
- section on Grand Rounds Missing Link begins on page 11
- "A report to CURA by Southeast Minneapolis Council on Learning" (2009) by Matt Carlson, Neighborhood Partnerships for Community Research (NPCR)
- "Town and Gown: The impact of the University of Minnesota on adjacent Minneapolis neighborhoods" (2007) by Barbara Lukermann, Elissa Mahlik, and Jeff Matson, CURA
- "Tuttle Community School Landscape Improvement" (1999) by Tirunelvely Harikrishnan, NPCR Graduate Research Assistant
- "University Communities Housing Needs Survey" (2007) by Matthew Ayers, Neighborhood Partnerships for Community Research (NPCR)
- Early Land Patentees of Southeast Minneapolis: H. H. Sibley (1849), Calvin A. Tuttle (1849), John Rollins (1858)
Publications available offline
- Forty years of the University of Minnesota (1910) edited by E. Bird Johnson, p. 316-7 "Senator James T. Elwell"
- "Harvey Johnson's relatives built a good heritage in Como" (March 1991) by Lara Anderson, Southeast newspaper, p. 5
- History of Minneapolis: Gateway to the Northwest (1923) by The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, p.258-262 "George H. Elwell", p. 496-8 "Edwin S. Elwell"
- "Affordable housing isn't a new issue for Southeast Minneapolis" (March 2001) by Penny Petersen, Southeast Angle, "University Village" section, p. 9
- "Back to the park: Rededication and reunion set to honor Van Cleve's renovation and history" (June 2000) by Diane Kepner, Southeast Angle
- 'Bought 2 Horses a Wagon' -- The Story of the Murphy Companies (2004) by Virginia Brainard Kunz
- "Como names recall its past" (January, 1980) by Penny Jacobson, Southeast newspaper, p. 6-7
- The Como-Harriet Streetcar Line - A Trip Through Twin City Memories (2002) by Aaron Isaacs
The Tuttle-Columbus Neighborhood: The report of a community study, carried on co-operatively by the Department of Sociology of the University of Minnesota, and the people of a growing community in Southeast Minneapolis (1922) by Manuel C. Elmer, Director of Study, Associate Professor of Sociology University of Minnesota
"University Lutheran to renovate Glencar Chapel for youth center" (January 31, 1947) Minneapolis Argus, p. 1, 3
Where We Live: The Residential Districts of Minneapolis & St. Paul (1983) by Judith Martin & David Lanegran, p. 97-98