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2nd Central Core historic resurvey mtg 4/21 @ Van Cleve

posted Mar 25, 2011, 3:41 PM by Unknown user [ updated Apr 22, 2011, 11:41 AM ]

Update -

Several Como properties were featured in the presentation on April 21st. They were offered as examples of properties in different categories that may be included in the final resurvey report. Photos of Blanche La Du's house on 14th Ave SE and Mayor Hubert Humphrey's house on 19th Ave SE were included as possible residential resources. Industrial resource examples included the Woolery Machine Co. building at 22nd & Como Aves SE and the General Mills Research Laboratories on E. Hennepin Ave. Tuttle School was included as one of the schools in the Central Core area that may have historic significance.


This will be a great opportunity for Como residents, property owners & business owners to participate in Como's historic re-survey since the meeting will be held right in the Como neighborhood at Van Cleve Park!

Central Core Survey Area meeting

Thursday April 21, 2011 (6:30– 8:00 p.m.)
Van Cleve Recreation Center

901 15th Avenue SE


Learn more about the history of your neighborhood and why it matters at April Workshop


The City of Minneapolis will hold a second round of community meetings to discuss historic surveying work underway of properties, themes and development patterns:

  • The Central Core Survey contains portions of St. Anthony West, Marcy Holmes, Como, Downtown West, Downtown East, Sumner Glenwood, and portions of Bryn Mawr, Harrison, Near North, North Loop, and Prospect Park neighborhoods

In this second round of meetings the preliminary results of the re-survey work will be presented and discussed. Read more about this work in the Star Tribune article – Is your house historic? – published March 23.

The City was first surveyed for historic resources in the 1970s and many of today’s designated landmarks and historic districts are a result of the original survey. Since 2001, CPED has conducted a re-survey of historic resources in Minneapolis that has been funded by grants from the Minnesota Historical Society and matched by City dollars. The City has undertaken the re-survey because the aging of properties, changing attitudes about which types of historic resources need to be identified, e.g. historic landscapes, cultural and ethnic group resources. The survey will help achieve the City’s goal of documenting historic resources throughout the entire city over a ten-year period, which is scheduled for completion in 2011.
