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  • Welcome to the SE Como Improvement Association's announcements and blurbs about Como's history!
  • Minneapolis City Directories from 1859 to 1891 are now available online Good news from the Hennepin County Libraries website:Digitized City DirectoriesThere are 22 Minneapolis City Directories from 1859 to 1891 that are now accessible online. Search by keyword or browse for city residents and their addresses and occupations, plus city businesses. Project made possible by a generous donation from the former Professional Librarians Union of Minneapolis.Go here to start searching. Be sure to share any interesting Como finds with us!
    Posted Dec 25, 2011, 5:35 AM by Unknown user
  • Circa 1900 photo of the frozen Silver Cascade emptying into the Mississippi River Silver Cascade in Winter from the Minneapolis Photo Collection in Special Collections at the Minneapolis Central Library. The cascade is completely frozen. River is still open at right. The Silver Cascade emptied into the Mississippi at about 13th-14th Ave. SE. It was on land owned by the pioneer lumberman Calvin A. Tuttle, and the creek it emptied was called Tuttle’s Creek, or Tuttle’s Brook, that originated in the marshes of the Como neighborhood in SE Minneapolis. Dinkytown and railroad development dried up this creek toward 1900. Part of the creek appears in the 1898 city atlas but by the 1903 city atlas, the creek is gone.http://hclib.tumblr.com/post/3743080338/silver-cascade-in-winter-from ...
    Posted Nov 3, 2011, 10:15 AM by Unknown user
  • 4 Como properties recommended for further study & research Page 103 of the the CIty of Minneapolis' 2011 historic re-survey report includes the 63 properties found in the Central Core Survey Area (including Como) that are recommended for further survey and research. Two residential and two industrial properties in Como are included on that list.53) Blanche La Du house at 1075 14th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3392)58) General Mills Laboratories at 2010 E. Hennepin Avenue (HE-MPC-3360)59) Woolery Machine (Manufacturing) Company at 2115 Como Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3357)60) August Nimmer house (Mayor Hubert H. Humphrey residence) at 890 19th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3367)A quick survey of the list shows 18 properties identified in Marcy-Holmes, 3 in Prospect Park (though ...
    Posted Nov 3, 2011, 10:37 AM by Unknown user
  • Historic re-survey summary findings Items of note found in the Central Core Survey Area (including Como and several other SE, NE, N & downtown neighborhoods): Sixty-three (63) individual properties Five (5) potential historic districts More specific results will be shared at the October 25, 2011 Heritage Preservation Commission meeting (starts at 4:30 p.m.). All are invited to attend.See agenda. Historic re-survey report is item number 3. Here's the staff memo.
    Posted Oct 19, 2011, 7:26 AM by Unknown user
  • Star Tribune obituary for Como resident Valentyna Yermolenko A Como neighbor brought in this Star Tribune obituary about a fellow Como-ite. We've included an excerpt and a link to the whole article about Valentyna's long and interesting life.By Mary Jane Smetanka, Star TribuneAugust 16, 2011Excerpt -"The Ukrainian-American's instincts and education helped her overcome hardship in her homeland and become a force in her ethnic community in Minneapolis. Even as a teenager in the Ukraine, Valentyna Yermolenko had a survivor's instincts. Adults who heard her sing urged her to study opera. She chose architecture, a practical field that might protect her in a Stalinist country where sometimes people disappeared and were never seen again. The scrappy Yermolenko eventually talked her ...
    Posted Aug 22, 2011, 10:13 AM by Unknown user
  • The Central Core historic re-survey has been completed! OCTOBER 12, 2011 UPDATE: Brian Schaffer is on the 10/25/11 agenda of the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission for the 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory: Camden Area, Central Core, and Windom, Kenny & Armatage. Presentation of consultant’s final recommendations in the recently completed 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory prepared by Mead and Hunt, Inc. The commission meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 317 of City Hall, 350 S. 5th Street. The Historic Resources Inventory is item number three on the agenda.August 2011: We've received word that the historic re-survey for the part of Minneapolis including the Como neighborhood has been completed on time. As soon as we receive access to the report ...
    Posted Oct 12, 2011, 10:56 AM by Unknown user
  • The Minnesota Daily search engine is now finding articles back as far as 1978 If you go to www.mndaily.com and search for subjects of interest to you, you will now be able to find articles that have appeared in over 3 decades worth of the University of Minnesota newspapers. Not sure how long these older articles will be available -- hopefully, older and older articles will be added over time (during the quick searches, it looked like some older articles were included but most of them had some kind of transcription error). The Minnesota Daily can be a very good source of information about the Como neighborhood in Southeast Minneapolis and the people that have lived here over the years.A few examples of what you can find:A May 31, 1983 article ...
    Posted Jul 12, 2011, 2:15 PM by Unknown user
  • 46 Tuttle School photos now available online The History of Minneapolis Public Schools website has recently added nearly 30 photos to the Tuttle School collection. See them here. Many of them are of Tuttle students and staff from the 1940's and 1950's.A new document has also been included. It's a 3-page handwritten biography of Calvin Tuttle on Minneapolis, Minn. stationery (written by his granddaughter, Mrs. Leo Cooper). It was sent to Tuttle School in 1937.Tuttle School Patrol (1948), Minneapolis Public Schools
    Posted Jun 29, 2011, 7:31 AM by Unknown user
  • 5 photos of Columbus School & description now included on History of MPS website The page on the permanent and temporary Columbus School buildings can be found here. The permanent building was located at Winter & "O" Sts NE. The temporary building was used for a few years after the permanent building was abandoned; this temporary structure was located at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE. The Columbus School page also includes a fire protection engineering report about the portable building from 1931. See also this Minneapolis Tribune article about the razing of the Columbus School building in 1936.The History of Minneapolis Public Schools website includes historic photos and information about the schools and buildings in the district. Columbus School portable building at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE, Minneapolis Public Schools Columbus School, Minneapolis Public Schools
    Posted Jun 23, 2011, 2:46 PM by Unknown user
  • City property tax controversy that nearly killed the Como Student Community Cooperative project . . ."[In 1970/71 the plan for the future Como Student Community Cooperative housing complex] became mired in a public debate over whether the University should continue to build student housing of any kind. Much of the debate turned on the tax-exempt status of University-owned land and buildings. Minneapolis city officials felt that it would be unfair for the city to provide municipal services to student families living on land exempt from the property taxes that financed the municipal services. Minnesota voters recently had passed a constitutional amendment that called on legislators to tighten up the definitions of non-taxable land. . .". . . "[University officials] offered to pay the city an annual sum equal to approximately one-half of the tax ...
    Posted Jun 16, 2011, 11:41 AM by Unknown user
  • Various reports about Como available online We've added links to a number of reports available online about the Como neighborhood or Southeast Minneapolis in general. You can find descriptions of the reports available on our "Web Links" page. Many of these reports are from CURA, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, at the University of Minnesota and one of CURA's programs - Neighborhood Partnerships for Community Research (NPCR). Several others are about or related to the new University District Alliance, of which Como is a part. Subjects include the following, among others:Housing Market Analysis for the University District (2011)Impact of Welfare Reform on Southeast Minneapolis neighborhoods (1996)Industrial Land Use and Environmental Impacts (2010)Minneapolis Community Gardens (2008)Reconnecting the Urban Landscape (2009 ...
    Posted May 19, 2011, 12:49 PM by Unknown user
  • "Alderman halts new construction in campus area" (1961) By Maurice Hobbs, The Minnesota Daily (October 4, 1961)excerpt -"New construction was cut off in much of Southeast Minneapolis Friday by a CIty Council hold order. Requested by second ward Alderman Robert MacGregor, the order forbids extensive new construction for 60 days in an area bounded by E. Hennepin Ave., the Mississippi River and the city limits.MacGregor said yesterday only "controversial permits" would be curtailed by the order, which directs the city building inspector not to issue any permit in the area without Council permission. The Council is "trying to foster good planning around the University community," he explained. He said that since a new zoning ordinance is pending, some builders may try to take advantage of the ...
    Posted May 18, 2011, 2:58 PM by Unknown user
  • "Historic Aerials" comparison of Van Cleve Park, 1957 and 2006 As part of the re-survey process, meeting attendees were told about a really useful "Historic Aerials" website by Nationwide Environmental Title Reserach LLC that allows you to look at and even compare aerial photos of an area at different points in time. We were able to enter "Van Cleve Park 55414" and "Tuttle School 55414" and look at aerial photos that had been taken over the last 50+ years. You can see that the western half of Van Cleve Park was still housing in 1957 and only the tennis court and swimming pool seem to be in the same locations both then and now.
    Posted Apr 22, 2011, 11:39 AM by Unknown user
  • Como's "census tract 104" grows 13.7% in population from 2000 to 2010 Census tract 104 includes all of the Como neighborhood, all of the Mid-City Industrial Area and part of the Southeast Minneapolis Industrial Area (SEMI). Three new housing developments in the last decade have definitely added to the population: condos in the Cream of Wheat building, condo lofts in the 1901 E. May 5, 2011 --> A neighbor made the slight correction that two large, multi-unit student-apartment buildings were built in the last decade along 8th St SE, at and just east of 16th Ave SE and that they are located in census tract 104 too.Hennepin Ave. building, and the Project for Pride in Living and Habitat for Humanity "Van Cleve Commons" development just west of Van Cleve ...
    Posted May 5, 2011, 2:37 PM by Unknown user
  • 2nd Central Core historic resurvey mtg 4/21 @ Van Cleve Update -Several Como properties were featured in the presentation on April 21st. They were offered as examples of properties in different categories that may be included in the final resurvey report. Photos of Blanche La Du's house on 14th Ave SE and Mayor Hubert Humphrey's house on 19th Ave SE were included as possible residential resources. Industrial resource examples included the Woolery Machine Co. building at 22nd & Como Aves SE and the General Mills Research Laboratories on E. Hennepin Ave. Tuttle School was included as one of the schools in the Central Core area that may have historic significance.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This will be a great opportunity for Como residents, property owners & business owners to participate in Como's historic ...
    Posted Apr 22, 2011, 11:41 AM by Unknown user
  • Rental rates in Como over the years Just a quick snapshot sampling of rental rates in the Como neighborhood:1044 26th Ave SE for $85/month (Minnesota Daily, April 25, 1962)1105 14th Ave SE -- 1 or 2 bedrooms for $115/month (Minnesota Daily, April 24, 1972)1019 16th Ave SE -- 2 bedrooms for $325/month (Minnesota Daily, April 22, 1982)951 17th Ave SE -- 2 bedrooms for $600/month (Minnesota Daily, April 28, 1992)17th & Como Aves SE -- 1 bedroom for $590/month (Minnesota Daily, April 26, 2004)13th & Como Aves SE -- 3 bedrooms for $1350/month (Minnesota Daily, April 26, 2004)25th & Como Aves SE -- 5 bedrooms for $2450/month (Minnesota Daily, March 8, 2011)
    Posted Mar 23, 2011, 1:44 PM by Unknown user
  • Houses and Lots for Sale - 1882 James T. Elwell ad The advertisement ran in the Minneapolis Tribune on June 8, 1882. It mentions having built 40 homes in just the last two months that are for sale for $1000 - $4000. See other, century-old press we've compiled about Como.HOUSES AND LOTSFOR SALETo salaried men and others who desire to procure a good, comfortable home on easy monthly payments on long time, within five blocks of street cars, in good location, a mile and a half from post-office, and upon the proposed St. Paul, Lake Como & Minneapolis Motor Line.This addition already has over 40 good new houses, ranging in price from $1,000 to $4,000, built within two months, and 200 mechanics still at ...
    Posted Mar 8, 2011, 11:19 AM by Unknown user
  • Neighborhoods vie for historic status "Neighborhoods vie for historic status: Minneapolis is taking stock of historic sites, including some near the University campus." by Evelina Smirnitskaya, Minnesota Daily, March 7, 2011excerpt -Michael Trittipo has spent roughly a quarter of a century in his home in Southeast Como. The house on 19th Avenue Southeast does not stand out among other buildings, and from the outside, it looks like "just another house on the street" he says. But for Trittipo, and the neighborhood as a whole, it has a very special value. Hubert H. Humphrey, who went on to become a U.S. senator and later vice president, lived at 890 19th Ave. SE while he was mayor of Minneapolis in the mid-1940s. . . .
    Posted Mar 7, 2011, 10:53 AM by Unknown user
  • 1934 photos of 15th & Rollins Aves SE Photos taken during roadway widening - 15th & Rollins Aves SEThis is a 1934 photo of homes located on the west side of 15th Ave SE, between the railroad tracks and Rollins Ave SE. The house that's completely shown in this photo is 829 15th Ave SE. This is the home that is currently located just to the south of the 2-story stucco/brick office and apartment building at 837 15th Ave SE (home to the SECIA office from 2004-2011). The home on the left that is only partially visible in the photo is today's 825/827 duplex. This is the home that had a deadly fire in September of 2003.* Corner 15th and Rollins S.E ...
    Posted Apr 26, 2011, 9:36 AM by Unknown user
  • March 3rd deadline to make suggestions for historic re-survey The City of Minneapolis' Historic Preservation Commission will continue updating their "Current Preservation Projects" page with information about the 2011 Historic Resources Inventory as the re-survey progresses. The page currently lists the community meeting dates for the different geographical areas. It also links to the online survey page that will be available until Thursday, March 3, 2011. March 3rd is the deadline for community members to make thematic and building suggestions for inclusion in the re-survey.Important note: Be sure to include the addresses for your building suggestions if at all possible. Given the limited resources available for the re-survey, providing the addresses will allow the consultants to spend their time investigating the properties.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:48 AM by Unknown user
  • Residential suggestions for historic re-survey We've started a list of homes in Como to be considered in the City's historic re-survey. Homes with unique architecture, built by known architects, and/or lived in by famous or notable people are the types of structures that might be looked at in the re-survey. Go here to see the list we've compiled so far. We've also created a list of important homes that no longer exist. See that list here.Here's a suggested list of Como commercial buildings for the re-survey too.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:50 AM by Unknown user
  • Current and former Como businesses We've started pages listing both current and former Como businesses and nonprofits and their addresses. For those that we know or could find out, we've listed when they opened, closed, and who owns them. Some of the former businesses closed and some moved. This is definitely one of those things that will always be a work-in-progress. Take a look at the lists . . . if you know of other businesses or nonprofits, let us know and we'll add them. You can also find the pages under "Places".
    Posted Mar 5, 2011, 9:20 PM by Unknown user
  • Como to be part of Central Core Historic Resources Survey beginning February 2011 The meeting on the resources in St. Anthony West, Marcy Holmes, Como, Sumner Glenwood, Bryn Mawr, Harrison, Near North and Prospect Park Neighborhoods will be held on: Thursday February 17, 2011 from 6 – 8 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church; 1 Lourdes Place, Minneapolis (near the intersection of 2nd St./E. Hennepin Ave. and Nye's Polonaise Room)All Como residents and property owners are encouraged to attend this meeting on February 17th and/or submit their suggestions for historic properties in the Como neighborhood. It would be helpful to include a few sentences explaining why you consider the property historic, though this is just a suggestion and not required. If you're unable to attend the meeting ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:00 AM by Unknown user
  • Map of 1934 proposed Van Cleve Park improvements These improvements were proposed for Van Cleve Park, but never implemented.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:57 AM by Unknown user
  • Did you know . . . that automobiles were manufactured in Como nearly a century ago? Dispatch Motor Car Company (1911 - 1923)"Little notice was taken of the Dispatch Motor Car Company by the local press throughout the firm's relatively long existence, and only one Dispatch car was reported in the yearly Minnesota vehicle registration list before 1917. Nevertheless, the national publication Motor Age regularly carried descriptions of various models of the car, and local lists of auto manufacturers always mentioned the Dispatch Company. The firm first appeared in the City Directory in 1910, its office being in the New York Life Building. The one registration of a Dispatch in Minnesota was in 1911. In January of the next year Automobile magazine included the Dispatch in its buyer's guide. Two models, E and ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:09 AM by Unknown user
  • Ideas about re-survey from 2010 Cookout & annual meeting These suggestions were collected at the Como Cookout and SECIA annual meeting in September and November 2010. What neighborhood sites are important to you? Van Cleve Park, 901 15th Ave SE -- 2 votesComo GardensTuttle School, 1042 18th Ave SEMaria Sanford house, 1050 13th Ave. SE What are the important historic themes of the Como neighborhood? Ties to the University of Minnesota (staff, professors, students) -- 2 votesTies to the Great Northern RailroadTrains and Grains - the railroad and the elevatorsStreetcar line and businesses What places in Como have historic significance? Mosque, 983 17th Ave SE, was Masonic Lodge, Machine ShopLimestone house, 1031 13th Ave SEHubert Humphrey residence, 890 19th Ave SE -- 2 votesthe ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:55 AM by Unknown user
  • Como-Harriet Streetcar Line History The Minnesota Transportation Museum has an online history of the Como-Harriet Streetcar Line. The streetcar line in the Como neighborhood ran up 15th Ave SE and turned onto Como Ave SE, heading to and from St. Paul. The unique curved building at 15th & Como that currently houses Muddsuckers Coffee offers a visual remnant of the streetcar days. The last streetcar ran in Como in 1954.The museum has a book for sale titled "The Como-Harriet Story".The Hennepin County Library system has two books on the Como-Harriet:The Como-Harriet story by Fred Rhodes, edited by Aaron Isaacs, 1997The Como-Harriet streetcar line: a memory trip through the Twin Cities, by Aaron Isaacs and Bill Graham ...
    Posted Mar 5, 2011, 9:53 PM by Unknown user
  • History of the Como Student Community Co-op (CSCC) "Como and 27th Avenues has been a site for University of Minnesota student-family housing since 1947. Quonset huts, barracks, and trailers were first constructed to meet the needs of WWII veterans returning to school under the newly created GI Bill. Known as Como Village, this complex served student-families until 1967 when it was torn down." - excerpted from the CSCC website For more, follow this link to the CSCC website.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:11 AM by Unknown user
  • Tuttle School building reaches the century mark Both the Heritage Academy of Science & Technology (grades 6 - 11) and Tatanka Academy (PreK-3rd grade) have recently moved their educational programs to the old "Tuttle School" building. It's nice to have the building serving as a school again and especially fitting that it happened now as the Tuttle building celebrates its 100th year (built in 1910).
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 10:59 AM by Unknown user
  • Historic Resources Inventory survey questions We're still planning for the Winter/Spring 2011 re-survey of the Como neighborhood. You can start thinking about your answers to these questions now:· What Como neighborhood sites are important to you?· What places in Como have historic significance? · What are the important historic themes of the Como neighborhood?Feel free to e-mail your answers to jen AT comogreenvillage.info or save them to bring to one of the community meetings that will be scheduled.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:27 AM by Unknown user
  • New calendar of important dates in Como's history Be sure to check out the new calendar in the bottom right-hand corner of the main history page (we've included it here too). We've compiled important dates in Como's history from centuries back up until the present day and entered them into this new "Como History" calendar. You'll come across things like Louis Hennepin's birthday in Belgium in the 1600's, grain elevator fires in the 1920's and '30's, the date of the first Como Cookout, and much much more. Hopefully some entries will bring back fond memories of your time in the neighborhood. They may even remind you of other items that should be included. Feel free to e-mail ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:26 AM by Unknown user
  • Synopsis from the 1922 report on the Tuttle-Columbus neighborhood 1. The community studied consists of a unit of approximately 4,000 persons. The community is definitely defined by being surrounded by railroad tracks and an industrial district. 2. Fifty-one per cent of the families have lived in the community for more than five years. Nineteen per cent less than one year. 3. This indicates that (a) the bulk of the people are permanent residents. (b) There is a steady influx of new residents. 4. Seventy-one per cent of all parents native born Americans. 5. High percentage of native born parents and the length of residence in community emphasizes the homogeneity of neighborhood. 6. With 29 per cent of all parents foreign born, we find 35 per cent ...
    Posted Aug 2, 2010, 12:27 PM by Unknown user
  • Searchable website for grave markers Many of the people on our Como "Web links" page have been updated with links to their graves. You can find them by clicking on the link connected to the (birth-death) notations. Graves were easily found for the prominent people connected to Como: Maria Sanford, Hubert H. Humphrey, James T. Elwell, Calvin A. Tuttle, etc. A cursory search for some of the more obscure people in Como's past didn't yield anything, but maybe that's where local volunteers can come in. Folks with an interest could seek out the graves for people like Blanche LaDu or Willis Calderwood and post them to the site to share with the world. Historians and genealogists can make use of the ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:21 AM by Unknown user
  • Van Cleve Park history available online "Parks, Lakes, Trails and So Much More -- An Overview of the Histories of MPRB Properties" was compiled and written by David C. Smith for the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board in 2008. The section on Van Cleve Park can be found on pages 256-258. The document also features a Table of Contents at the beginning with links to all of the park properties in the Minneapolis system.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:22 AM by Unknown user
  • 17 photos of Tuttle School available online Minneapolis Public Schools has created an online resource of historic photos and information about the schools and buildings in the district. The page on the current Tuttle School building can be found here. The current building is the 3rd Tuttle School that was located in the Como neighborhood. Unfortunately, the district doesn't provide any information about the earlier 2 Tuttle buildings (or Columbus School, which was demolished in the 1930's).The Tuttle page also includes reports about the building from 1931 and 1963. Tuttle School, 18th & Talmadge Aves SE (1910) from Minneapolis Public Schools
    Posted Jun 21, 2011, 12:48 PM by Unknown user
  • 1886/1887 directory now online Como resident Connie Sullivan continues to review hard copies of old city directories and compile electronic lists of Como people, businesses and properties. Over the past several years she's completed the 1936 and 1922 directories and has just now finished the 1886/1887 directory. Check them out and see who lived on your street or in your house. You can search for names, street names, house numbers, etc.
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:23 AM by Unknown user
  • What's Historic in Como? Minneapolis will be conducting a re-survey of Como's historic resources in winter 2011 as part of a ten-year city-wide update of the original survey done in the 1970s. We'd like to know what Como neighbors think the city should look at as especially significant elements of Minneapolis and state history.As a result of the 1970s survey, Como has two officially-recognized historic resources: the 1893 stone residence built by D. Cattanach on 13th Ave. SE, and the Cream of Wheat building at Stinson and Broadway. We believe there's more history in Como thanjust these two buildings.For example, we can suggest that the researchers study the history of a house or ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:24 AM by Unknown user
  • Historical re-survey of Como tentatively planned for winter and spring of 2011 We should be getting more details from the City in a few months. Here is a link to a map indicating the areas that will likely be included in the 2011 re-survey. http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/council/2010-meetings/20100312/Docs/Grant_CouncilMAP.pdf
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:24 AM by Unknown user
  • "On the trail of an old trail" from the Park Bugle In the June 2010 edition of the Park Bugle, the neighborhood newspaper for St. Anthony Park in St. Paul (just to the east of Como), Michelle Christianson has an article about the history of the Gibbs Farm and the old Indian trail that crossed it. Go here to read it. Note the special history day that will be held at Gibbs Farm on Sunday June 27th. Connie Sullivan, our Como historian, added this context detailing the connection of the trail and the Gibbs Family to our neighborhood -- Marion Shutter's 1923 History of Minneapolis stated the obvious when he noted that MN's state roads had been laid out from Territorial days along well-worn--and well-designed!--Indian trails ...
    Posted Mar 1, 2011, 11:25 AM by Unknown user
  • Como to be included in the City's historical re-survey The Como neighborhod will be part of the last batch of neighborhoods in Minneapolis to go through a historical re-survey. The re-surveys will be started in the Fall of 2010 and completed in the Spring of 2011. Stay tuned for more information on this, including when the community meeting(s) will be held to allow for resident input and suggestions.
    Posted Jul 28, 2010, 10:40 AM by Unknown user
Showing posts 1 - 40 of 40. View more »

Minneapolis City Directories from 1859 to 1891 are now available online

posted Dec 25, 2011, 5:28 AM by Unknown user [ updated Dec 25, 2011, 5:35 AM ]

Good news from the Hennepin County Libraries website:

Digitized City Directories
There are 22 Minneapolis City Directories from 1859 to 1891 that are now accessible online
. Search by keyword or browse for city residents and their addresses and occupations, plus city businesses. Project made possible by a generous donation from the former Professional Librarians Union of Minneapolis.

Go here to start searching. Be sure to share any interesting Como finds with us!

Circa 1900 photo of the frozen Silver Cascade emptying into the Mississippi River

posted Nov 3, 2011, 10:15 AM by Unknown user

Silver Cascade in Winter from the Minneapolis Photo Collection in Special Collections at the Minneapolis Central Library.

The cascade is completely frozen. River is still open at right. The Silver Cascade emptied into the Mississippi at about 13th-14th Ave. SE. It was on land owned by the pioneer lumberman Calvin A. Tuttle, and the creek it emptied was called Tuttle’s Creek, or Tuttle’s Brook, that originated in the marshes of the Como neighborhood in SE Minneapolis. Dinkytown and railroad development dried up this creek toward 1900. Part of the creek appears in the 1898 city atlas but by the 1903 city atlas, the creek is gone.


4 Como properties recommended for further study & research

posted Oct 26, 2011, 7:25 AM by Unknown user [ updated Nov 3, 2011, 10:37 AM ]

Page 103 of the the CIty of Minneapolis' 2011 historic re-survey report includes the 63 properties found in the Central Core Survey Area (including Como) that are recommended for further survey and research. Two residential and two industrial properties in Como are included on that list.

53) Blanche La Du house at 1075 14th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3392)
58) General Mills Laboratories at 2010 E. Hennepin Avenue (HE-MPC-3360)
59) Woolery Machine (Manufacturing) Company at 2115 Como Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3357)
60) August Nimmer house (Mayor Hubert H. Humphrey residence) at 890 19th Avenue SE (HE-MPC-3367)

A quick survey of the list shows 18 properties identified in Marcy-Holmes, 3 in Prospect Park (though most of Prospect Park wasn't included in this survey), 3 in Northeast Minneapolis, a few in North Minneapolis, and the bulk in Downtown Minneapolis.

Como history group tour June 2003

Historic re-survey summary findings

posted Oct 19, 2011, 7:20 AM by Unknown user [ updated Oct 19, 2011, 7:26 AM ]

Items of note found in the Central Core Survey Area (including Como and several other SE, NE, N & downtown neighborhoods):

  • Sixty-three (63) individual properties
  • Five (5) potential historic districts

More specific results will be shared at the October 25, 2011 Heritage Preservation Commission meeting (starts at 4:30 p.m.). All are invited to attend.

See agenda. Historic re-survey report is item number 3. Here's the staff memo.

Star Tribune obituary for Como resident Valentyna Yermolenko

posted Aug 22, 2011, 10:02 AM by Unknown user [ updated Aug 22, 2011, 10:13 AM ]

A Como neighbor brought in this Star Tribune obituary about a fellow Como-ite. We've included an excerpt and a link to the whole article about Valentyna's long and interesting life.

By Mary Jane Smetanka, Star Tribune
August 16, 2011

Excerpt -

"The Ukrainian-American's instincts and education helped her overcome hardship in her homeland and become a force in her ethnic community in Minneapolis.

Even as a teenager in the Ukraine, Valentyna Yermolenko had a survivor's instincts. Adults who heard her sing urged her to study opera. She chose architecture, a practical field that might protect her in a Stalinist country where sometimes people disappeared and were never seen again. The scrappy Yermolenko eventually talked her way across Europe and to the United States. She died at age 98 on Aug. 10 in Minneapolis, blind but still sharp and witty. . . ."

The Central Core historic re-survey has been completed!

posted Aug 5, 2011, 8:36 AM by Unknown user [ updated Oct 12, 2011, 10:56 AM ]

OCTOBER 12, 2011 UPDATE: Brian Schaffer is on the 10/25/11 agenda of the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission for the 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory: Camden Area, Central Core, and Windom, Kenny & Armatage. Presentation of consultant’s final recommendations in the recently completed 2010-2011 Historic Resources Inventory prepared by Mead and Hunt, Inc. The commission meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 317 of City Hall, 350 S. 5th Street. The Historic Resources Inventory is item number three on the agenda.

August 2011: We've received word that the historic re-survey for the part of Minneapolis including the Como neighborhood has been completed on time. As soon as we receive access to the report results, we'll share them here. Stay tuned!

The Minnesota Daily search engine is now finding articles back as far as 1978

posted Jul 11, 2011, 12:00 PM by Unknown user [ updated Jul 12, 2011, 2:15 PM ]

If you go to www.mndaily.com and search for subjects of interest to you, you will now be able to find articles that have appeared in over 3 decades worth of the University of Minnesota newspapers. Not sure how long these older articles will be available -- hopefully, older and older articles will be added over time (during the quick searches, it looked like some older articles were included but most of them had some kind of transcription error). The Minnesota Daily can be a very good source of information about the Como neighborhood in Southeast Minneapolis and the people that have lived here over the years.

A few examples of what you can find:
A May 31, 1983 article by Tom Omestad titled "Neighborhood groups flexing political muscles" mentions a first-ever Neighborhood Priorities Coalition convention and how neighborhood funding via the city had plummeted from $400K to $100K a year.

A June 3, 1997 article by Joe Carlson titled "Community hopes to revitalize area" covers a large community meeting held at Van Cleve Park in May for Southeast Como's Neighborhood Revitalization Program planning for funding. Including this quote, "Como resident Frank H. Meyer said the town meeting last week was one of the best experiences he has had in the 32 years he lived in the area. For the first time, I saw this community really come together and really (act) as a community, rather than a neighborhood of people living next to each other."

46 Tuttle School photos now available online

posted Jun 21, 2011, 1:17 PM by Unknown user [ updated Jun 29, 2011, 7:31 AM ]

The History of Minneapolis Public Schools website has recently added nearly 30 photos to the Tuttle School collection. See them here. Many of them are of Tuttle students and staff from the 1940's and 1950's.

A new document has also been included. It's a 3-page handwritten biography of Calvin Tuttle on Minneapolis, Minn. stationery (written by his granddaughter, Mrs. Leo Cooper). It was sent to Tuttle School in 1937.

Tuttle School Patrol (1948), Minneapolis Public Schools

5 photos of Columbus School & description now included on History of MPS website

posted Jun 21, 2011, 12:49 PM by Unknown user [ updated Jun 23, 2011, 2:46 PM ]

The page on the permanent and temporary Columbus School buildings can be found here. The permanent building was located at Winter & "O" Sts NE. The temporary building was used for a few years after the permanent building was abandoned; this temporary structure was located at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE. The Columbus School page also includes a fire protection engineering report about the portable building from 1931. See also this Minneapolis Tribune article about the razing of the Columbus School building in 1936.

The History of Minneapolis Public Schools website includes historic photos and information about the schools and buildings in the district.

Columbus School portable building at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE, Minneapolis Public Schools

City property tax controversy that nearly killed the Como Student Community Cooperative project

posted Jun 15, 2011, 3:27 PM by Unknown user [ updated Jun 16, 2011, 11:41 AM ]

. . ."[In 1970/71 the plan for the future Como Student Community Cooperative housing complex] became mired in a public debate over whether the University should continue to build student housing of any kind. Much of the debate turned on the tax-exempt status of University-owned land and buildings. Minneapolis city officials felt that it would be unfair for the city to provide municipal services to student families living on land exempt from the property taxes that financed the municipal services. Minnesota voters recently had passed a constitutional amendment that called on legislators to tighten up the definitions of non-taxable land. . ."

. . . "[University officials] offered to pay the city an annual sum equal to approximately one-half of the tax which the city would have collected from the project had it not been tax-exempt. According to one University official, the Como housing project would never have been built without this payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT). The payments would later become the focus of an acrimonious debate between the University and the first CSCC Board of Directors. . . "

. . . "After protracted discussion, the Board of Regents voted in June 1976, to end the assessment against CSCC for the PILOT payments. All monies which the University had ever collected for PILOT were refunded with interest to CSCC, and the payments to the city were ended. . . ."

excerpts from Phillip K. Wagner's CURA report titled "Cooperative Student Family Living: A history and census of the Como Student Community", February 1987

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