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New calendar of important dates in Como's history

posted Aug 5, 2010, 8:19 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 1, 2011, 11:26 AM ]
Be sure to check out the new calendar in the bottom right-hand corner of the main history page (we've included it here too).

We've compiled important dates in Co

Como History

mo's history from centuries back up until the present day and entered them into this new "Como History" calendar. You'll come across things like Louis Hennepin's birthday in Belgium in the 1600's, grain elevator fires in the 1920's and '30's, the date of the first Como Cookout, and much much more. Hopefully some entries will bring back fond memories of your time in the neighborhood. They may even remind you of other items that should be included. Feel free to e-mail any other important Como dates to be included to jen AT comogreenvillage.info.

Just for the month of August, you'll see that on this day, back in 1882, James T. Elwell filed his 2nd addition to Minneapolis and 5 years ago this month, we launched our Solar Thermal Pilot Project.

The dates appearing on the calendar will match the current date/month throughout the year, so come back often to see what happened in the neighborhood back in the day.
