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Historical buildings

Here is a list of commercial buildings and public spaces that we think have historical significance for the Como neighborhood, Minneapolis, and Minnesota. We compiled this list in preparation for the historical re-survey that the City of Minneapolis is conducting in 2011 for Como and several other neighborhoods.

  • Muddsuckers Coffee building, 1500 Como Ave SE

    • built in 1963

    • currently owned by Ackerman & Daugherty LLC

    • rounded brick building recalls the street car line that used to make a turn at the corner of 15th and Como Ave SE

  • Old Mattox Grocery, 1000 26th Ave SE
  • * Old Rayvic Station, 1501 E Hennepin Ave
  • * Talmage Green, between Como & Talmadge Aves SE along 11th Ave SE
    • built in the late 1960's
  • Tuttle School, 1042 18th Ave SE
    • built in 1910
    • this is the third Tuttle School building; the first two were located at 14th & Talmadge Aves SE
    • important existing namesake of Calvin A. Tuttle
  • Van Cleve Park, 901 15th Ave SE
    • founded in 1890
    • originally named Second Ward Park
  • Woolery Machine Company building (Woolery Manufacturing Company), 2119 (2115?) Como Ave SE (in 1922)
    • built in 1904
    • then occupied by United Chemical Co, Joynoelle; now housing

* denotes those featured in the "Como Architecture Styles guide"