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5 photos of Columbus School & description now included on History of MPS website

posted Jun 21, 2011, 12:49 PM by Unknown user [ updated Jun 23, 2011, 2:46 PM ]
The page on the permanent and temporary Columbus School buildings can be found here. The permanent building was located at Winter & "O" Sts NE. The temporary building was used for a few years after the permanent building was abandoned; this temporary structure was located at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE. The Columbus School page also includes a fire protection engineering report about the portable building from 1931. See also this Minneapolis Tribune article about the razing of the Columbus School building in 1936.

The History of Minneapolis Public Schools website includes historic photos and information about the schools and buildings in the district.

Columbus School portable building at 26th & Talmadge Aves SE, Minneapolis Public Schools