If you go to www.mndaily.com and search for subjects of interest to you, you will now be able to find articles that have appeared in over 3 decades worth of the University of Minnesota newspapers. Not sure how long these older articles will be available -- hopefully, older and older articles will be added over time (during the quick searches, it looked like some older articles were included but most of them had some kind of transcription error). The Minnesota Daily can be a very good source of information about the Como neighborhood in Southeast Minneapolis and the people that have lived here over the years. A few examples of what you can find: A May 31, 1983 article by Tom Omestad titled "Neighborhood groups flexing political muscles" mentions a first-ever Neighborhood Priorities Coalition convention and how neighborhood funding via the city had plummeted from $400K to $100K a year. A June 3, 1997 article by Joe Carlson titled "Community hopes to revitalize area" covers a large community meeting held at Van Cleve Park in May for Southeast Como's Neighborhood Revitalization Program planning for funding. Including this quote, "Como resident Frank H. Meyer said the town meeting last week was one of the best experiences he has had in the 32 years he lived in the area. For the first time, I saw this community really come together and really (act) as a community, rather than a neighborhood of people living next to each other." |
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