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Como's "census tract 104" grows 13.7% in population from 2000 to 2010

posted Apr 22, 2011, 9:55 AM by Unknown user [ updated May 5, 2011, 2:37 PM ]
Census tract 104 includes all of the Como neighborhood, all of the Mid-City Industrial Area and part of the Southeast Minneapolis Industrial Area (SEMI).

Three new housing developments in the last decade have definitely added to the population: condos in the Cream of Wheat building, condo lofts in the 1901 E.
May 5, 2011 --> A neighbor made the slight correction that two large, multi-unit student-apartment buildings were built in the last decade along 8th St SE, at and just east of 16th Ave SE and that they are located in census tract 104 too.
Hennepin Ave. building, and the Project for Pride in Living and Habitat for Humanity "Van Cleve Commons" development just west of Van Cleve Park.

* The Southeast Como Improvement Association (SECIA) successfully petitioned the City to represent the residents in the Cream of Wheat and 1901 Lofts buildings since they are located in historically non-residential areas without neighborhood associations.

1980 population = 5,083 (Como neighborhood) from the City of Minneapolis
1990 population = 5,617 (Como neighborhood) "
2000 population = 5,691 (Como neighborhood) "
2010 population = 6,288 (Como neighborhood) per Council member Cam Gordon's blogpost titled "Second Ward to Shrink" **
2010 population = 6,489 (Census tract 104) from the New York Times' "Mapping the 2010 U.S. Census" **

** The "Census tract 104" population number most definitely includes the population at the Cream of Wheat and 1901 Loft buildings. It's unclear if either or both buildings are included in the 6,288 number for the Como neighborhood, which is 201 people smaller than the census tract.

To see the map of the census tract and the race/ethnicity changes, go to the New York Times' "Mapping the 2010 U.S. Census". You can enter the 55414 ZIP code to see all of the census tracts in Southeast Minneapolis.
