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Mattox Grocery

1000 26th Ave SE

"Mattox Grocery: a landmark for generations,"

by Renee Van Wagner, Southeast newspaper, October 1986

(excerpt) The double-sided sign at 26th and Como Avenues S.E. reads MILK in big red block letters. For sixtyfive years the Mattox family has provided milk and much more to several generations of friends and customers.

This landmark, the Henry I. Mattox grocery store, is one of the oldest grocery stores in the Twin Cities. It was back in 1921 that Henry Mattox opened the store at this location. Henry's wife and children helped in the store which has not changed much in appearance. The current owner, Bob Mattox, joined his father in the business over 20 years ago . . .

Henry I. Mattox ran the Mattox Grocery store at 1000 26th Ave SE for more than 60 years, after establishing it in 1921. He died in 1988 at the age of 90. Robert Mattox, Henry's son, continued operating the grocery after working with his father for 40 years. Many residents will recall that the building hosted a "MILK" sign for many years.

Henry Mattox also served as secretary of the Minneapolis Retail Independent Grocers Association and secretary of the Brotherhood fo Railway Employees. His wife, Lucie, died in 1969. They had three sons - Robert, Richard and Gerard.

The Star Tribune covered Henry's death in an article titled, "Henry Mattox, southeast Minneapolis grocer for over 60 years".
