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What's Historic in Como?

posted Jun 24, 2010, 10:47 AM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 1, 2011, 11:24 AM by Unknown user ]
Minneapolis will be conducting a re-survey of Como's historic resources in winter 2011 as part of a ten-year city-wide update of the original survey done in the 1970s. We'd like to know what Como neighbors think the city should look at as especially significant elements of Minneapolis and state history.

As a result of the 1970s survey, Como has two officially-recognized historic resources: the 1893 stone residence built by D. Cattanach on 13th Ave. SE, and the Cream of Wheat building at Stinson and Broadway. We believe there's more history in Como thanjust these two buildings.

For example, we can suggest that the researchers study the history of a house or building for its architectural style (a famous architect or builder, or a Queen Anne residence, say) ; or for the historical importance of a person or persons who lived there or had a business there ; or for how that structure represents an important historical development in our city's history. The places can be spaces or structures. If you have historic photos of those places, all the better.

Please send your suggestions to: jen AT comogreenvillage.info or connie AT comogreenvillage.info
