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1909 - Patrons criticise [sic] board

posted Mar 9, 2011, 12:17 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 4:04 PM ]
Patrons criticise [sic] board; want children in school
Work of principal Mae Snow is lauded at Glencar mass meeting
Action may be taken against school board unless classes begin
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, September 9, 1909

excerpts -

Miss Snow Praised
In one instance, as one of the speakers took occasion to praise the work of Miss Snow, there was an interruption from a member of the audience, who cried: "Miss Snow knows too much about some of the member of the board. That's what the trouble is. We need a new board."

F. B. Chute, one of the board members, was specifically charged by Charles S. Allbright, with having located the Columbus school building on property in which Mr. Chute was interested, much to the inconvenience of those attending. . .

Miss Snow's Work Lauded
Conway Wels, S.E. Jackson and C.L. Deidrickson were among others who spoke in words of resentment regarding the closing of the school and who took occasion to laud the work of Miss Snow as a teacher. Mr. Allbright's challenge to anyone present to say anything detrimental to the deposed teacher met with no response. . .