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1913 - Prospective brides ask to be retained as teachers

posted Mar 9, 2011, 1:29 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 3:55 PM ]
Prospective brides ask to be retained as teachers
School board members think they should resign after marriage
Miss Mae Snow calls bride who is wage-earner a goose
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, November 7, 1913

excerpt -

. . . Miss Snow was rather aroused by this suggestion. She said, "It would be just as fair to have men in the teaching corps who marry, resign." She held it was none of the school board's business if a teacher chose to marry and continue teaching, and that she had as much right to do so, if she saw fit as a man has. While she stood up for the woman teacher's rights in this respect, she said, however, that she thought any woman who continued to be a wage-earner after she was married was a goose. . .