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1909 - Public hearing possible in fight over Miss Snow

posted Mar 9, 2011, 12:12 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 4:05 PM ]
Public hearing possible in fight over Miss Snow
Board hints that trial may be resorted to in effort to dislodge principal
Restraining order leaves her in disputed position at Columbus School
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, September 2, 1909

excerpts -

. . . Attorneys say that undoubtedly Miss Snow can retain her place in the schools because of a rule which provides that any teacher who has taught for five years continuously can be removed only for cause. But the board has a right to change the school, grade or salary. . .

. . . Miss Snow therefore will retain her position as principal of Columbus school and a public trial before the school board may result if Judge Dickinson's decision is against the board.