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1910 - School board candidates indorsed [sic] by suffragists

posted Mar 9, 2011, 12:34 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 4:06 PM ]
School board candidates indorsed [sic] by suffragists
S.A. Stockwell, Dr. O.J. Evans and Mae Snow are promised their support
Many improvements for Minneapolis system are advocated in platform
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, September 15, 1910

excerpts -

. . . . and of Miss Mae Snow, Republican, for the short term; commendation of George H. Elwell, as president of the school board . . .

. . . Miss Snow is Indorsed [sic]
Miss Snow was recommended to the voters on her record as a teacher in the primary grades, principal of the ungraded school and principal of Columbus school. She pledged herself, if elected, to try to secure free baths, large, clear playgrounds . . .