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Calderwood press

1921 - The remedy for crime

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:56 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:33 AM ]

The remedy for crime
By W. G. Calderwood, Minneapolis Morning Tribune, February 10, 1921

excerpt -

To the Editor of The Tribune:

Experience holds no valid hope that a return to capital punishment would decrease capital crimes, or add to the safety of life or property. . . .

1918 - Calderwood deserted by state chairman

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:51 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:33 AM ]

Calderwood deserted by state chairman
C.W. Halbert, National Party Chief, says candidate has betrayed trust
"I shall not vote for him," is his declaration in signed statement
By George E. Akerson, Minneapolis Morning Tribune, November 3, 1918

excerpt -

. . . The repudiation of Calderwood by the man who heads the National party organization in the state came as a result of several differences over the use of the party name and the indorsement [sic] of Benjamin Drake and Thomas Fraser for justices of the supreme court on Calderwood literature. . . .

1918 - W.G. Calderwood to try for U.S. Senate

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:48 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:34 AM ]

W.G. Calderwood to try for U.S. Senate
Former dry leader files on national ticket -- defeated two years ago
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 30, 1918

excerpt -

W. G. Calderwood, for many years a leader in the Prohibition party, and now a leader in the new National party, yesterday filed for the United States Senate on the National ticket. Two years ago, Calderwood ran on the Prohibition ticket for the same office. . .

1914 - Prohibition candidate talks of state's taxes

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:44 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:35 AM ]

Prohibition candidate talks of state's taxes
Switches from out-and-out temperance speech to touch on other issues
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 29, 1914

excerpt -

Following two big meetings in Duluth on Tuesday evening, W. G. Calderwood, Prohibition candidate for Governor, talked to the voters of Bemidji last night at the City Hall. . . .

1911 - W.G. Calderwood in 1912, Prohibitionists' slogan

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:40 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:35 AM ]

W.G. Calderwood in 1912, Prohibitionists' slogan
Friends boost Minneapolitan for third party's presidential candidate
He may be named national chairman at Chicago meeting next week
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, January 17, 1911

excerpt -

. . . Mr. Calderwood was offered the national chairmanship several years ago and he refused at that time. . .

. . . Scoffs Presidency Talk
"I do not believe I am presidential timber," said Mr. Calderwood, when told of the nomination report. . . .

1910 - W.G. Calderwood sees "dry" wave

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:37 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:36 AM ]

W.G. Calderwood sees "dry" wave
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, July 27, 1910

excerpts -

W. G. Calderwood, secretary of the Prohibition state central committee, has returned from a tour of the state in the vicinity of Duluth. . .

. . . He reports the prohibition sentiment is stronger than ever there and believes the "drys" will succeed in electing a state representative in one of the Duluth districts.

1910 - Braves in riotous spree

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:33 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:36 AM ]

Braves in riotous spree
W.G. Calderwood gets reports of debauches of redmen [sic] in Village of Detroit
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, February 5, 1910

excerpt -

Affidavits received yesterday by W. G. Calderwood, secretary of the state Prohibition committee, indicate that the braves living in and around Detroit, Minn., are having one grand celebration in honor of the recent departure of Federal Indian Agent "Pussy-Foot" Johnso, who allowed four saloons to run in Detroit, provided no Indians should be found intoxicated following the permit. . .

1909 - Prohibition campaigning

posted Mar 9, 2011, 3:30 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:36 AM ]

Prohibition campaigning
W.G. Calderwood back from fortnight lecture tour "Up North"
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, July 23, 1909

excerpt -

W. G. Calderwood, secretary of the state prohibition committee, has returned from a two weeks' trip to Duluth, where he has been engaged in a Lincoln Memorial campaign. . . .

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