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Lost Como homes

Here is a partial list of important homes that can no longer be found in the Como neighborhood.

  • John T. Tate house, "1011" 14th Ave SE (1919-1939+)
    • building destroyed in the 1970s
  • Calderwood mansion, 986 15th Ave SE
    • building destroyed in the 1950s
  • * Way mansion, 960 15th Ave SE
    • building demolished in 1963 to make room for the SE Christian Church
  • James T. Elwell house, 903/905? 15th Ave SE
    • can be found here in the 1886 city directory
    • James lived here before moving to 945 14th Ave SE
    • building destroyed in the 1950s

* denotes those featured in the "Como Architecture Styles guide"