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1919 - Center will close with reception tonight after proving success

posted Mar 8, 2011, 12:33 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:16 AM ]
Tuttle Neighborhood to welcome soldiers: Center will close with reception tonight after proving success
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 23, 1919

excerpt -

With the "Welcome Home" party for Southeast Minneapolis soldiers, sailors, marines and Red Cross nurses to be held at the Tuttle school tonight, the neighborhood center at the school will close its program for the season. . . .

. . . . Organization of the plans of the center for the coming year will come before the annual meeting of the Tuttle School Neighborhood club to be held at the school Tuesday evening, May 20.

Here are the more than 100 service men from Southeast Minneapolis whom the people of the Tuttle school neighborhood will welcome home tonight:

Earl Godfrey William Everang Harvey Berry William Fleder E Fransen
Percy Godfrey H.F. Stewart Oscar Peterson Cedric Cady Neil J. Morrow
Mr. Miller J. West Jennings Buros Geo. Johnson Glen Gilbert
Roy Martin Ted Mork Andrew Westling D. Elliot Fred R. Peterson
Ruebin Ryan Ernie Wicht Alvin Westling James Sweeney S.E. Eastvold
Howard Gill Mr. Page Clarence Berg Harold Reeves Charles Speck
K.C. Way Walter Rasmussen Morris Peterson E.D. Carpenter Bert Leonard
C.A. Dahl Arthur Wright Ted Easterman Walter Foot J.F. Noble
Mortimer Sturdevant Bernie Hanson Oscar Ergen Vic. Botimen R. Buckley
George Bailey Warren Foot Wilson Wells Harris Kneeland Raymond Houghton
William Bodean Charles Johnson Howard Jacobson Paul Olson Herbert Spencer
James Storm Martin Michaelson Robert Thompkins Leo White Alfred W. Whiteford
Norman Casile Halley HansonJ Thompkins Alex Helmick Clarence Olson
Henry Schrader Earl Chilson William Dublin Dan Helmick Benjamin Wangness
Ralph Beal John Finn Clarence Peterson A.T. Bisarile Arthur Paulson
Watson Elwell Carl Gustafson Mr. Zumwrinkle O.W. Peterson George Olson
H. Corbett Robert Wallace J. Calinton Myron Powell Fred Pegeher
Laurence Elwell Otto Stedahl Fred Leider James Quinian Harry Davidson
Guy Wilcox William Loice John Borth Harry Millbrath Cecil McKenna
Joe Shannon Carl Berg Paul Borth Harold Millbrath Ralph Corbin
Charles BordeauHarry Miller Oscar Gustafson A.J. Peterson

. . . In the 47 days that the experimental "center" has been opened the attendance has totaled 6,231, according to records summarized by B.G. Leighton, president of the Neighborhood club. This has meant an average attendance of 134 a night. An average of 211 people attended the nine community meetings held. . .