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1919 - Certainly Women are equals of Men

posted Mar 8, 2011, 12:08 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:17 AM ]
Certainly Women are equals of Men; Hefty question proves easy one for one-sided Tuttle School audience
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, February 6, 1919

excerpts -

"Is woman man's equal, mentally, morally, and physically?"

Two hundred women rising in a solid phalanx in the center of the auditorium out at the Tuttle school last night said "Yes!"

Fifty men, who formed a fringe around the sides of the room and in the rear, arose with equal determination to register a valiant "No!"

And a triumphant secretary (ess) wrote down in her minutes, "Members of the Tuttle Neighborhood association, assembled in the Tuttle school Wednesday night, February 5, decided almost unanimously that woman was man's equal, mentally, morally, physically, and that she should have the ballot." . . .

. . .. Miss Maria Sanford, professor emeritus of the University of Minnesota, was presented as a living argument proof of the physical hardihood of women. Miss Sanford, who is 82 years old, has already made six addresses yesterday when she arrived at the Tuttle school to participate in the debate. She spoke three times during the debate. . . .