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1915 - "Citizens' Congress" to handle civic problem, broached

posted Mar 7, 2011, 3:35 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:23 AM ]
"Citizens' Congress" to handle civic problem, broached
Members of Booster Organization Back of Move to Get Greater Results
Taxation, housing, city planning on schedule
Meeting called for Nov. 23 for the Purpose of Outlining Program.
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, November 7, 1915

excerpt -

. . . The association now comprises 51 organizations representing every part of Minneapolis, with a membership of nearly 8,000 persons. New district organizations are being formed from week to week as the civic spirit grows and as new sections of the city are developed. . . .

. . . list of member organizations of the Central association:
. . .Como Improvement association. . .
. . .Glencar Improvement association
. . .Southeast Minneapolis Civic association . . .
