East Side Clubs plan celebration at Van Cleve Park: Patriotic addresses, music and sports on program for "Fourth" Minneapolis Morning Tribune, July 1, 1916 excerpt - The Fourth of July will be celebrated by the members of the Southeast Civic association, the Como Improvement club and the Glen Car Improvement club at a huge, all day celebration at Van Cleve park. . . . . . The celebration will commence at 7:45 a.m., with a ragamuffin parade to the park. . . On the playground at the park a base ball game between the married men and bachelors will be played. There also will be a pie-eating contest, ladies' clothespin race, 50 and 100-yard dashes, somersault races, a doll buggy parade and a fat man's race. Prizes worth about $200 are offered to winners. . . . Miss Maria Sanford, professor emeritus of the state university, will deliver a patriotic address at 10 a.m. . . |