Glen-Car residents form improvement league Minneapolis Tribune, October 9, 1904 Residents of Glen-Car to the number of about fifty met last night at the Glen-Car assembly hall, Twenty-fifth and Talmage streets southeast, and organized the Glen-Car Improvement league. There are several streets which the Glen-Car people wish opened and extended; they want a sewer on Twenty-fifth street from Como avenue to Division street, and they want several alleys attended to. All these improvements and matters that may suggest themselves from time to time will be urged upon the aldermen of the Second ward, who have been invited to attend the meeting of the league which will be held next Saturday evening. The league was organized permanently last night as follows: President, Charles S. Albright Secretary and Treasurer, C. L. Bedrichson Executive Committee: C.S. Nimmens, Herman Berg and C.L. Bedrichson |