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1906 - New school buildings blessing to many pupils

posted Mar 7, 2011, 2:27 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:30 AM ]
New school buildings blessing to many pupils, Minneapolis Tribune, November 11, 1906

excerpt -

. . . When the new grade school in Southeast Minneapolis is completed the board of education can say with a good show of reason that it has bowled over two birds with a single stone. The new building will be built midway between the Tuttle school district near Fourteenth avenue and Talmadge street and the Glencar school district on Como avenue on the extreme eastern edge of the city.

At the present time both of these districts are among the most congested in the city as far as the school facilities are concerned. Furthermore both districts are situated in a section of the city that is growing much faster than it is possible for anyone to realize who is not conversant with the actual conditions there. . . .
