New social center formed on East Side: 350 Men and Women Organize Tuttle School Neighborhood Club Meetings to Be Held Each Week for Civic and Progressive Purposes. Minneapolis Morning Tribune, January 8, 1919 excerpts - A new social center was formed in Southeast Minneapolis last night when more than 350 men and women living in the vicinity of Tuttle schoool, Eighteenth and Talmadge avenues, met in the school auditorium and organized the Tuttle School Neighborhood club. This new organization, which aims to develop the use of the the school building so that it may serve the neighborhood as a whole as a social gathering place, a forum for discussions and debates on civic and school questions, and a recreational center for both young people and older people, will begin its regular program of activities next week. . . . . . . . The following officers of the club were elected last night: Edward Leighton, president Edward Flavin, vice president Charles Angell, treasurer Mrs. Carl E. Burns, secretary Jay Houghtaling, chairman of the men's department Mrs. E.L. Baker, chairman of the women's department Miss June Salisbury, chairman of the young women's department E.J. Cummings, chairman of the young men's department Charles M. Way, chairman of the program committee Mrs. J.A. Hxxxx, chairman of the social committee . . . . Miss Maria L. Sanford, who spoke after Mr. Webster, added her indorsement [sic] to the all-year-round school plan. |