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1919 - Press and poster club to advertise Tuttle activities

posted Mar 8, 2011, 12:16 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:17 AM ]
Press and poster club to advertise Tuttle activities: School folk will let others know advantages of Neighborhood Club.
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, March 9, 1919

excerpts -

The Tuttle school neighborhood is on the map. All Southeast Minneapolis agrees to that. But just to insure [sic] its staying on the map the Press and Poster club is being organized by Tuttle school youngsters with the advertising of the Tuttle school district as its object. . .

. . . The Tuttle school community center is being looked on as a model for Minnesota communities planning neighborhood clubs. Last week C.E. White, superintendent of schools at Ely, made and inspection of the club and its activities. . .