Something doing for everybody at Tuttle School club: Dances, parties, games, sewing four nights weekly at community center Minneapolis Morning Tribune, January 27, 1919 excerpt - Just a big neighborhood home, with the doors wide open four evenings of the week and the folks from round about coming in whenever they feel like it, that is the Tuttle school, Talmadge and Eighteenth avenues Southeast, as the Tuttle Neighborhood club plans it to be. And the doors are going to open tonight. The board of education, the park board, the Y.M.C.A. and a half dozen other agencies have been god-fathers and god-mothers to the Tuttle school neighborhood center. But it was the home folks who thought of it first, and the home folks who talked it over until the idea grew into possibility and then into realization, and it will be the home folks who will take the responsibility for keeping things in the new "club house" going and going well. . . . |