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1919 - Tuttle Community Society to expand

posted Mar 8, 2011, 1:10 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:14 AM ]
Tuttle Community Society to expand: Neighborhood gatherings increase in popularity -- educational classes planned
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 18, 1919

excerpt -

Tuttle school Neighborhood club began its season of community and social work last night with a community dance in the Tuttle school building, Tenth street and Eighteenth avenue southeast. Two hundred and fifty young people and their parents attended the dance.

The most extensive community work ever attempted in Minneapolis is planned by the officers of the club for the 1919-1920 season, according to B.G. Leighton, chairman of the executive committee. . . .

. . . This year the officers have applied for the use of the school for every night in the week. . .

. . . Because the school board has prohibited open forum discussion in the school, the members of the club plan to erect a building on the school grounds for this purpose. . .