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1919 - Van Cleve Community to Celebrate Improvements

posted Mar 7, 2011, 4:17 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:21 AM ]
Van Cleve Community to Celebrate Improvements
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 24, 1919

A celebration in honor of the completion of $10,000 improvements in Van Cleve park will be held next Tuesday evening by the Van Cleve community. A program has been arranged, beginning at 8 o'clock in the park.

A pow-wow will be a feature at the celebration. The second ward Republican drum corps has been engaged and will lead an Indian dance to be given by the Camp Fire girls of Van Cleve community.

The Second Ward Boosters' club, Tuttle School Neighborhood club, Glen Car Improvement association and other organizations are co-operating for the arranging of the celebration.
