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1919 - Woman not Man's equal, contention

posted Mar 8, 2011, 12:01 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:18 AM ]
Woman not Man's equal, contention: Debating teams to thresh out question at Tuttle School Neighborhood Club.
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, February 3, 1919

excerpts -

"Woman is not man's equal, mentally, morally or physically." Miss Maria Sanford, professor emeritus of the University of Minnesota, Miss Clara Imson and Mrs. Jay Houghtaling will disagree with that statement; and Professor R.C. Lodge of the University of Minnesota, A.E. Helmick and Jay Houghtaling will agree with it Wednesday night during a half hour debate at the Tuttle school Neighborhood club.

Other questions to be debated by the teams are "Women's Place is in the home" and "Women should not assume the ballot." . . .

. . . . Among them will be a discussion on a suitable location for the proposed Southeast high school. . . .