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1945 - Stanchfield entry evokes enthusiasm

posted Mar 15, 2011, 4:42 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 15, 2011, 4:46 PM ]
Stanchfield entry evokes enthusiasm
Labor indorsed [sic] aldermanic candidate in 2nd ward member Milk Drivers
Minneapolis Labor Review, April 26, 1945

excerpt -

. . . [Dale} Stanchfield, who is 36 years old, was born in the second ward, and is a graduate of Tuttle school and Marshall high school. His wife, the former Evelyn Melrose, is also a native of the second ward.

For the last nine years Stanchfield has been an active member of Milk Drivers union local 471, during which time he has worked in his ward and has come to know the people of the ward and their problems.

The Stanchfields have two children and reside at 1005 Twenty-fourth Avenue Southeast. Mr. Stanchfield is a member of a pioneer Minneapolis family. . .