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1998 - Les Bolstad, Minnesota's 'Mr. Golf,' dies at 89

posted Mar 7, 2011, 1:50 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 4:13 PM ]
"Les Bolstad, Minnesota's `Mr. Golf,' dies at 89 // A coach at `U' for 30 years, he won numerous state titles,"
By Jon Roe, Star Tribune, March 16, 1998

excerpt -

Les Bolstad, who won numerous state golf championships and taught many other golf champions, died Sunday in Orlando, Fla. Bolstad, who coached the University of Minnesota men's golf teams for 30 years and was a longtime coach for Patty Berg, was 89.

"If John Mariucci was the father of hockey in Minnesota, then Les was Mr. Golf in the state," said John Harris, a former Gophers hockey and golf star. "He was the consummate instructor, but he taught you about more than just the mechanics of the game. He taught you about the philosophy of golf, too."

Bolstad was born in New Prague, but grew up in southeast Minneapolis, attending Marshall High School. In 1926, Bolstad, at 18, became the youngest winner of the U.S. Public Links championship after boarding a train with his six golf clubs for the trip to the tournament in Los Angeles. . .
