posted Mar 7, 2011, 1:31 PM by Unknown user
updated Mar 10, 2011, 4:18 PM
By Dennis J. McGrath, Minneapolis Star and Tribune, October 21, 1986
excerpts -
. . . "The parties were ripping and roaring," said City Council member Walt Dziedzic, who first heard the noise over the phone when an irate Como neighborhood resident called him at home at 11:20 on a Saturday night. "There were guys and gals walking up and down the street, yelling, drinks in their hands, going from party to party." The dozen police squads needed to bust up the parties - and arrest five people - convinced the City Council of the need to attack the problem with a large number of officers. Last week, the council authorized the spending of $6,000 to hire up to 10 officers to work overtime between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. on weekend nights specifically to handle noisy party complaints. The officers are expected to spend most of their time handling calls near the university. . . .
. . . On that Saturday night, Minneapolis police dispatched seven squad cars and University of Minnesota police sent five cars to the area around 16th Av. SE and Talmadge Av. where students were party-hopping. "There were parties all over the joint," said Dziedzic who, along with council member Kathy O'Brien, joined police in the Como neighborhood where their wards adjoin. "It was like Tin Pan Alley. We went into one house and there was hardly any furniture, just wall-to-wall bodies. . . . . . ."We try to be reasonable and have a good rapport with the students and young people and generally we have had good rapport," said Joe Russell, who has lived in the Como area since 1945 and is a member of the Southeast Como Improvement Association.
"But things just get out of hand once in a while," said Russell, the father of seven children, all of whom attended the University of Minnesota. "It's an old community, a diverse community and we like it. But too many people are moving out. If something isn't done, not only in Southeast, but citywide, the old, stable property owners will get discouraged from fighting the battle and will move out. . . .