Como History
"Alderman halts new construction in campus area" (1961)
"Historic Aerials" comparison of Van Cleve Park, 1957 and 2006
"On the trail of an old trail" from the Park Bugle
17 photos of Tuttle School available online
1886/1887 directory now online
1934 photos of 15th & Rollins Aves SE
2nd Central Core historic resurvey mtg 4/21 @ Van Cleve
4 Como properties recommended for further study & research
46 Tuttle School photos now available online
5 photos of Columbus School & description now included on History of MPS website
Circa 1900 photo of the frozen Silver Cascade emptying into the Mississippi River
City property tax controversy that nearly killed the Como Student Community Cooperative project
Como to be included in the City's historical re-survey
Como to be part of Central Core Historic Resources Survey beginning February 2011
Como's "census tract 104" grows 13.7% in population from 2000 to 2010
Como-Harriet Streetcar Line History
Current and former Como businesses
Did you know . . . that automobiles were manufactured in Como nearly a century ago?
Historic re-survey summary findings
Historic Resources Inventory survey questions
Historical re-survey of Como tentatively planned for winter and spring of 2011
History of the Como Student Community Co-op (CSCC)
House and Lots for Sale, James T. Elwell ad (June 8, 1882)
Houses and Lots for Sale - 1882 James T. Elwell ad
Ideas about re-survey from 2010 Cookout & annual meeting
Map of 1934 proposed Van Cleve Park improvements
March 3rd deadline to make suggestions for historic re-survey
Minneapolis City Directories from 1859 to 1891 are now available online
Neighborhoods vie for historic status
New calendar of important dates in Como's history
Rental rates in Como over the years
Residential suggestions for historic re-survey
Searchable website for grave markers
Star Tribune obituary for Como resident Valentyna Yermolenko
Synopsis from the 1922 report on the Tuttle-Columbus neighborhood
The Central Core historic re-survey has been completed!
The Minnesota Daily search engine is now finding articles back as far as 1978
Tuttle School building reaches the century mark
Van Cleve Park history available online
Various reports about Como available online
What's Historic in Como?
Bike trail kiosks
City directories
Historic re-survey
History calendars
Como additions
Calvin A. Tuttle
Charles M. Way
Charlotte & Horatio Van Cleve
Como People of the Past
Elwell Family
Families of Como
Hubert H. Humphrey
John Rollins
Les Bolstad
Mae Snow
Maria Sanford
Willis G. Calderwood
Bunge elevator
Columbus School
Como businesses
Congregational Church
General Mills labs
Historical buildings
Historical homes
Home Tour homes
Mattox Grocery
Physical environment
Tuttle School
Van Cleve Park
1877- 1921
1922- 1955
1956- 1985
1986- 1999
2000- 2005
2006- 2007
2008- 2009
2010- 2011
Staff & interns
In Memoriam
Bruce Zacherson
Carola Russell
Carolyn Clemmons
Edwin S. Elwell Jr.
Elmer Frobom
Henry Mattox
Joe Stimart
Web links
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
We're always looking for photos, documents, and stories about the Como neighborhood. If you have something to share, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you!
Como Neighbors
1986- 1999
1995 - SE. Como area wants explanation: Residents gather for answers after Hawkins Chemical fire
Mar 7, 2011, 1:45 PM
by Unknown user
[ updated
Mar 10, 2011, 4:16 PM
area wants explanation // Residents gather for answers after Hawkins Chemical fire
By Anne O'Connor, Star Tribune, March 14, 1995
excerpt -
The full article can be found in the
ProQuest newspaper database
on the
Hennepin County Library