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2000 - Proposed Stinson Tech campus wins Como residents' tentative OK

posted Mar 7, 2011, 1:19 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 22, 2011, 1:12 PM ]
"Proposed Stinson Tech campus wins Como residents' tentative OK - The neighborhood is worried about traffic, and others wondered why the city didn't involve them sooner."
By Chuck Haga, Star Tribune, March 21, 2000

excerpt -

Residents of the Como neighborhood told developers and city officials Monday night that they like the proposed Stinson Technology Campus straddling Stinson Boulevard, but that they're worried about potential traffic congestion.

Some of the more than 100 residents who gathered at Van Cleve Park in Minneapolis to hear more about the development also chided city officials for not involving them sooner in discussions on traffic and other concerns.

"I feel the neighborhood deserves an apology from the downtown leadership," said Lori Marter [sic], co-chair for traffic issues for the Como Neighborhood Revitalization Program.

Greg Finstad, the city's director of transportation and parking services, and City Council Member Paul Ostrow, who represents the area, conceded that communications could have been better. . . .
