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2007 - Concrete jungles' dirty secret: Miles of unpaved streets

posted Mar 7, 2011, 1:12 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 12:45 PM ]
"Concrete jungles' dirty secret: Miles of unpaved streets: Urban centers have been called concrete jungles for years, but in Minneapolis and St. Paul, some streets have never been truly paved." by Pam Louwagie, Star Tribune, December 3, 2007

excerpt -

. . . Jeremiah Peterson has been talking to Ostrow's office a lot lately. Since buying his house in southeast Minneapolis four years ago, he has grown disgusted with the condition of his street just off Hennepin Avenue: The sides are crumbling. Patches of asphalt, plopped down to fill divots, form bumps. And the roadway slopes like "a huge crescent moon," he said.

He found out a while ago his street had never been paved -- just oiled and later patched with asphalt. The University of Minnesota student and Iraq war veteran who grew up near Brainerd, Minn., said he never expected such rough road conditions in a major city. "I definitely thought all of Minneapolis was paved," he said. "I lived on a long dirt road [near Brainerd] and quite frankly that road was much nicer." . . .
