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2006 - From Dewey Decimal to digital: Marie J. Eller, 1919-2006

posted Mar 7, 2011, 12:50 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 12:47 PM ]
"From Dewey Decimal to digital: Marie J. Eller, 1919-2006," by Drew Swain, University Brief, May 3, 2006

excerpts -

Marie Eller, a librarian at University Libraries, Twin Cities, for more than 40 years and a lifelong community volunteer, died last month at 86. Eller was well-known in the University community for her unwavering commitment as an employee and a volunteer for organizations including the University of Minnesota Retirees Association.

"She was a woman who just loved to work at the U," says Linda DeBeau-Melting, associate director with University Libraries, who worked with Eller for five years. Eller began her career at the University in the 1940s in Walter Library on the east bank, working mostly in technical services and cataloging. At the time, Walter was one of the few libraries on the Twin Cities campus. . . .

. . . On the Southeast Como Improvement Association board of directors, she helped oversee development, bringing improvements in safety, recreation, and environmental protection. Eller also volunteered for the Southeast Angle newspaper, the U's Immigration History Research Center, and the University of Minnesota Retirees Association (UMRA), where she could socialize with other retirees who shared her dedication to the school's future. . .
