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2006 - Mayor will walk Como in April

posted Mar 7, 2011, 12:48 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 12:49 PM ]
"Mayor will walk Como in April: March 14, 2006 SECIA board meeting notes," by Bill Hoffmann, The Bridge, March 24, 2006

excerpt -

Como walking tour by Mayor Rybak planned for April
Second Ward Council Member Cam Gordon said the anticipated walking tour of Como by Mayor Rybak is being planned with
SECIA for April. Gordon will accompany the mayor.

The mayor promised last fall to tour after a Como group presented grievances at a public meeting. The group raised concerns about deteriorating safety and livability in the neighborhood, an increase in violent crime, declining rental properties and safety of the tenants, over-occupancy, and flight of long-term homeowners. . .
