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2007 - Protests prompt rerouting of parkway: Como neighborhood residents feared disruption, leading to a recommendation to shift the link east near Hwy. 280

posted Mar 7, 2011, 1:07 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 12:49 PM ]
"Protests prompt rerouting of parkway: Como neighborhood residents feared disruption, leading to a recommendation to shift the link east near Hwy. 280." by Steve Brandt, Star Tribune, September 23, 2007

excerpt -

. . . A more direct route for connecting St. Anthony Parkway and East River Road drew determined opposition from Como neighborhood residents last week. That route, mostly following Stinson Boulevard and 18th and 19th Avenues SE., is one of three corridors still being evaluated by a citizen committee charged with recommending a route to bridge the parkway gap.

But Como neighbors expressed sufficient fear over losing homes and gaining traffic if a parkway bisects their area that committee Chairman John Erwin said he thinks the industrial area route running east of the neighborhood is preferable. Park Commissioner Walt Dziedzic agrees. . .
