"Southeast Como residents oppose removing homes for Grand Rounds ‘missing link’," by Bill Hoffman, The Bridge, November 17, 2007 excerpt - Plans for the latest alternative route for completion of the “missing link” in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Grand Rounds parkway met stiff opposition at the Southeast Como Improvement Association’s (SECIA) November meeting. Many of the 45 residents and SECIA board members at the crowded meeting voted to oppose all Park Board proposals that would remove homes to make way for a route to complete the Grand Rounds parkway. The three-mile “missing link” would complete the 50-mile parkway circle around the city. At the meeting, George Puzak, vice chair of the Park Board’s citizen advisory committee, presented the new alternative route, called G5. The north-south route would turn west from Industrial Boulevard onto East Hennepin Avenue, then turn south into Southeast Como and follow 27th Avenue Southeast between Hennepin and Como Avenue, just west of the university’s family student housing complex. The route would veer slightly and then continue south across the railroad tracks (see map, courtesty of Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board.) . . . |