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2009 - Sporty’s liquor license request met with opposition

posted Sep 29, 2011, 10:53 AM by Unknown user
Como residents convene to argue for and against the restaurant’s license.

By Tara Bannow, Minnesota Daily
November 9, 2009

excerpt -

"After getting the green light from the state to bypass a zoning hurdle that made Sporty’s Pub & Grill in Como ineligible for a liquor license, owner Joe Radaich is now working with the city of Minneapolis to complete the process. “I’ve been telling people, like a football analogy, this is the fourth quarter in terms of the process,” he said. “We’re in the home stretch.”

But some are concerned about how the new liquor license could affect the community. About 30 Como residents attended a Thursday Van Cleve Park meeting that quickly turned into a heated discussion over Radaich’s potential new license. . ."

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