"Campus-area restaurant Sportsmans Pub renovated," by Kelly Gulbrandson, Minnesota Daily, February 20, 2008excerpt - . . . The remodel was made possible through a $5,000 grant by the Southeast Como Improvement Association to return the building to its 1930s appearance, he said. The association has a program for improving the exteriors of local businesses, Radaich said, which is about "dressing up" local businesses from the outside and improving neighborhood pride. "They were really excited about the project because, one, it updates an older building, and two, the glass is a big plus for public safety," he said. "There's nothing on 22nd and Como that you can't see with these windows." A grand reopening celebration is scheduled for a month from now, he said. The windows facing 22nd Avenue and Como are now full-length, as they were in the building's original design when the building was also a grocery store and barbershop, Radaich said. When the building was remodeled in the '70s, the windows were replaced with plywood and fiberglass. Radaich said the floors and walls in the grill area, which used to be the grocery store section, were also restored to historical condition. "These were the original plaster walls that people had in 1930," Radaich said. "This was the floor they walked on in 1930." . . . |