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2009 - Como's day-long ping-pong competition

posted Mar 3, 2011, 8:33 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 1:23 PM ]
"Como's day-long ping-pong competition," by Thomas Q. Johnson, Minnesota Daily, April 28, 2009

The 3rd Annual SE Como Ping Pong Tourney will be held the Saturday after next, May 9th, at 1pm in Van Cleve Park (the one with the pirate ship and the train off 15th Ave). Registration is free and can be done the day of the tournament until 12:45pm or you can pre-register over the phone at 612-626-6843 or by emailing neighbor@umn.edu with your name and skill level - beginner, intermediate or advanced. Lunch will also be provided free of charge to the pongers. Check out the Southeast Como Improvement Association's website for more information.