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2009 - Crescent Moon Pizza opens in Como

posted Mar 3, 2011, 8:32 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 1:24 PM ]
"Crescent Moon Pizza opens in Como," by Tiffany Smith, The Bridge, April 23, 2009
excerpt -
The latest tenant of 1517 Como Ave. SE brings 10 years’ restaurant and bakery experience with him. On March 9, Meerwais Azizi opened Crescent Moon Pizza, whose menu of Afghani cuisine is a smaller version of what’s offered at Azizi and his wife’s Crescent Moon Bakery in Northeast Minneapolis, which began as a bakery but has since evolved into a restaurant, pizza place and banquet hall, he said.

Azizi said the new restaurant was inspired by requests from University of Minnesota students who patronized the bakery. The standout menu item — pictured on a banner outside the new restaurant — is the “football pizza,” an elliptical, thick-crusted pie with a special (and optionally spicy) sauce. . .
